Christmas 2015

It's been a fun year filled with adventure and wonderful people. In reflecting on the almost countless homes and places photographed this year, I'm staggered by it all. Beautiful spaces, testament to people's vision, dreams, hard work and attention to detail. What an honour to be invited in to capture it all as best possible. 

Already I'm looking to the horizon and the New Year, wondering where to next? What has meaning, what is a worthy way of living? Oh for wisdom, vision and a smiley soul filled 2016.

Awards - Hinternoosa Real Estate

REIQ finalist for the medium residential agency of the year award for excellence

Congratulations on Hinternoosa being nominated as a finalist for the 2014 REIQ Medium Residential Agency of the Year Awards for Excellence. They are valuable clients of mine and working with them is an absolute pleasure!

Award Winning Clients

I was thrilled to learn that this year I have 5 different clients who have all won Regional, State and are in the finals for the National Master Builders Awards 2013.



- Chris Clout Design

- Braeden Constructions

- DDB Construction

- Benco Constructions Pty Ltd

- Bowseem Pty Ltd T/A J H C Homes

I can't wait to see who will win Australian National Awards from the Master Builders.....